Own Your Mess: How Your Vulnerability Inspires Others With Scott Miller


Are you ashamed of your mistakes and vulnerability? In this episode, you’ll learn how owning your own mess inspires others to keep going. Tony Martignetti’s guest today is Scott Miller, the Chief Marketing Officer at FranklinCovey. Scott confesses to Tony how his first book Management Mess to Leadership Success sold 100,000 copies in its first year. Was Scott famous at that point? Nope. He was a no-name author! It sold that many copies because it was raw, real, and vulnerable. Tune in, be brave, and embrace your vulnerability!


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Own Your Mess: How Your Vulnerability Inspires Others With Scott Miller

It is my honor to introduce you to my guest, Scott Miller. Scott is a 25-year associate of FranklinCovey, where he served as a Chief Marketing Officer and is now an Advisor on their Thought Leadership strategy. Scott hosts the world's largest and fastest-growing podcast and newsletter devoted to leadership development, On Leadership. Additionally, Scott is the author of the multi-week Amazon number one new release, Management Mess to Leadership Success: 30 Challenges to Become the Leader You Would Follow, and The Wall Street Journal bestseller, Everyone Deserves A Great Manager: The 6 Critical Practices for Leading a Team. Scott released his second book in the ten-volume Mess to Success SeriesMarketing Mess to Brand Success. Previously, Scott worked for the Disney Development Company and grew up in Central Florida. He lives in Salt Lake City, Utah, with his wife and three sons. I want to welcome you to the show, Scott.

Thanks for having me. I appreciate you sharing your platform with me and turning your spotlight onto me. Thanks for your abundance.

No, thank you. I'm looking forward to digging in here. As we often say with the virtual campfire, it feels like we are creating a real campfire with some marshmallows. We are going to make it nice, warm and dig into your story, which we often share around campfires.

This is going to be a bonfire, brother, not just a campfire.

I truly believe that. We have some good energy here.

You are scared, aren't you? There's a little bit of fear.

I embrace fear. I'm good with that. For your sake and the readers' sake, what we are going to do is we are going to help you to tell a bit of your background to share your story through what's called flashpoints. These are points in your story that revealed your gifts into the world. We will have you share what you are called to share but along the way, we will pause and see what shows up.

This is like free professional therapy and coaching. I'm loving this.

When you own your mess, you make it safe to have others own theirs. Your messes are better teaching vehicles than your successes.

That's why I do it. I want to give. With that, I'm going to turn it over to you, my friend and have you do tell your story.

I live in Salt Lake City with my lovely wife, Stephanie and our three sons, who have my exact personality, to my wife's horror. There are a lot going on in Miller Land as I call it. I'm a 25-year associate with the FranklinCovey company, the world's largest and most influential leadership development firm. I was the Chief Marketing Officer for a decade. I host the podcast. I am a Columnist for Inc. Magazine. I am multi-author and many more books to come out. Before that, I was from Central Florida. I worked for the Disney Company for four years until they invited me to leave, which is Disney's nice way of saying, "You don't fit here. Get out."

Where does a single 26-year-old Catholic boy move to? In Provo, Utah, where all the Catholics are back in 1996. I'm kidding. It was me and the priests. I have had a wonderful ride with the FranklinCovey Company. I was an officer at the firm. I stepped off of that track and stepped out into the entrepreneurial world. Does everybody quit their seven-figure executive job in the middle of a pandemic? No, just Scott Miller. Now, I'm building my brand and influence. Like you, I do my best to add some value to the world. I'm honored to be on your show.

I launched my second book in the Mess to Success Series called Marketing Mess to Brand Success. In January 2022, I will launch Job Mess to Career Success, Communication Mess to Influence Success and then six more after that. I’ve got lots of messes and I'm very passionate about teaching through them. I think philosophically. When you own your mess, you make it safe to have others own theirs. Your messes are better teaching vehicles than your successes. I'm delighted to talk about my messes as part of my journey.

That's exactly what I was hoping we were going to dig into. It is some of those things that have influenced these books because it is amazing. When you think about it, most people say like, "Mess? I'm not a mess." We all have the little messes we make along the way. There are ways to turn around those challenges into something beautiful.

I learned so much from my six years in prison. I'm kidding. Messy, not illegal or unethical, people. Come on, throw the guest a bone.

Where do you want to begin? Let's dig into some of these areas. You went to FranklinCovey. How did you find yourself fitting in and making an impact there?

I didn't fit it. I was from the East Coast. I had an East Coast personality and mentality. I moved to Utah where it was much slower and very casual. Disney was buttoned-down suits. At Covey, it was jeans and Birkenstocks to the horror of an East Coast prep. I was like a bull in a china shop. Utah was a very Latter-day Saint culture, known colloquially as the Mormons and lovely people. If I dropped the word damn, I was a heretic. That was soul-crushing. I built a brand for myself, probably a brand that was maybe exaggerated like, "Don't try it on me. I had to have thick skin." I learned that the problem with thick skin is, "Nothing gets in but nothing gets out," to quote Viola Davis and Brené Brown. I had to have more translucent and transparent skin. I learned a lot and changed. I think they learned a lot and changed.

VCP 122 | Own Your MessI had a 25-year ride, some steps forward, some steps back. I lived around the world with them in London, Chicago and Utah several times. I learned a lot about how to recognize my strengths, when overplayed, can become my weaknesses. I have a very strong, courageous personality and that did not work in a nice culture. People were very courteous. They were very gracious but we didn't always call things out. At Disney, you were called out by the hour. I learned a tremendous amount about how to run with my strengths and not overplay them, which I did frequently. I also learned a valuable lesson, which is the difference between being fearless and reckless.

In many times, I was masquerading as being fearless when I was being reckless with my brand, reputation and somebody else's feelings. I learned the difference between when to be fearless and when to be reckless. The biggest learning that I took from the company, is profound and I hope your readers take value in this is Dr. Covey is our Founder. He wrote the book, amongst many, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. This book has sold 45 million copies and has spawned a multibillion-dollar professional services company. As the leader of public relations for the firm, I was on many interviews with journalists, where they wanted to talk about the seven habits of highly efficient people. They were just given the name wrong. The book is The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

Why that's important is because there's a big difference between being efficient and being effective, having an efficient mindset versus an effective mindset. One is not better than the other. They are just deployed in different situations. I'm a very productive, efficient person. This has been the hallmark of my career. The efficiency with projects, podcasts, emails, social media, washing the car and mowing the lawn. These things can be done efficiently. The problem is because I am so deeply inculcated in my efficient mindset when that moves into my relationships, it implodes. You cannot be efficient with people. You can only be effective. Meaning, slowing down, paying attention and listening. As Dr. Covey said, "With people fast, it is slow. Slow is fast." This is what I probably struggle with the most. The biggest gift I took from my 25-year journey with FranklinCovey is constantly extricating myself from what was the mess of my relationships because I was trying to go too fast.

First of all, I love that saying because there's something about it that has me thinking two things. Number one is the ability to adapt to your environment at the right pace, at the right time with what's happening in that given situation. You can't always apply the same tools in every situation all the time. Sometimes you have to adapt to the situation and how important language matters. I know as a marketing guy, you know that language is so important. One quick change of word and you've got yourself in a completely different situation. It starts with what we tell ourselves. The words you are telling yourself about are what makes a completely different scenario for how you show up and change the environment.

Dr. Covey did not invent the idea of a paradigm shift but he certainly popularized it in his book. You struck something so important, which is we all have deeply inculcated mindsets and belief systems about ourselves, our competence, our confidence, the world, religion and sexual orientations. The most effective marketers, leaders, entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, parents, siblings and neighbors are those that are exercising the emotional agility and the self-awareness to think about the words we use to describe ourselves that help propels us forward or hold us back. The power of language is probably the most important thing we do each day to either build or tear down ourselves, our relationships, our personal brands or the brands of your company. Use more deliberate intention with all the words you mean and use because their meaning can have a lasting impact for good or bad on yourself and others.

With people, slow is fast because you want to slow down the language. Make sure you are using that intention so that the words you are using may land in the right place.

Also, perhaps, slow down everything. No one has ever asked me to provide a eulogy but I'm the first guy that will evacuate you from a burning building. You might have trauma but I will get you out alive. I have to also be mindful of my speed, rate and pitch. I'm a very strong-willed person. I have a large and loud voice. There are settings when I have to be mindful of when to lower my voice and be calm or not to be so forceful and stern because being on the other end of a conversation with me is often not for the right part. Sometimes I do more damage, even though my intention may be good. My technique is misaligned or not well thought through.

I'm inclined to ask this question now, but then I also want to get back to more parts of your journey. How do you stand out of the shadows of so many strong thought leaders and create your own voice in a company like this?

When you overplay your strengths, they become your weakness.

At heart, I'm an aggregator. I'm not sure I have ever had an original idea in my life. I have had a lot of messes. When you read my books and listen to my podcast, I am sharing wisdom that I have learned from other people, whether it be Jim Collins, Susan Cain, Liz Wiseman, Stephen Covey, John Maxwell, people that are friends of mine, Seth Godin or Dan Pink. I'm just taking their ideas and talking about how that worked for me and how I broke myself against that principle.

My value proposition is to take that unprecedented access that I have had to my entire life of being with these giants for many years and breaking it down and saying, "That's a bunch of crap. I'm still trying to figure that one out. Here is how it is not working for me or here's how it is." I also have had a very successful career. Lots of messes and successes. There's some wisdom of my own but that's my shtick, if you will. It's taking the genius of everybody else, giving them credit for it but talking about how it has or hasn't been easy for me to implement in my life.

I love that because there's something about that, first of all, that is very humbling but it's also gratifying to know that you can integrate all those amazing insights from people that are standing on the shoulders of all those giants. Some of them, we call them giants but they are just people too. They just had great ideas. We all have great ideas. It's taking it all together and then bringing it into the package, which is you. How you deliver it is what makes it so amazingly powerful.

What I have found, like you, I host a podcast and I have interviewed some of the most famous people in the world. These people aren't any smarter than you or me. They are not any better educated. Some of them are but by and large, they had the same careers that all your readers do. What separates them are a couple of things. They usually outwork everybody else. I'm shocked at Jack Canfield, who co-wrote the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. His book has sold 500 million copies in that series. He is still doing 4 to 5 podcasts every day. Seth Godin is one of the biggest names in leadership and marketing. The guy earns $200,000 a day in a speech. He did 140 podcasts for his book, This is Marketing.

What these people have in common is they just outwork everybody. They have self-confidence. They pivot and accept feedback. They have a strong sense of confidence in themselves. John Gray, who wrote Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, does eight podcasts a day. John Maxwell, the amazing leadership name, does 4 to 5 podcasts every day of the week. The guy has got more money than anybody can spend. He just loves to give back. He loves to clarify, think and innovate. I try to pattern myself after these people that they just work their hearts out because they want to add value. They are not in it for the money. Everyone who says that has lots of money. Have you ever noticed that? They always have $40 million and they tell us, "I'm not in it for the money." That's because you've got four Lamborghinis. What they do is they have the intention to help people and they work insanely hard.

That's a good clarity because it's working hard but it's also working hard with the intention that makes a difference. You could work yourself 24/7 and ultimately, if you are doing the wrong thing, it's not going to give you anything. You have to do it with the right intention and coming from the right place.

That's consistency. All these people that I have worked for met, spoke on stage with and spoke after are insanely clear on their mission and intention. They repeat it themselves. To quote Dr. Covey, "Great leaders are more concerned with what is right than being right. They have this unnatural humility to pivot, listen and learn from others. They are insatiably curious." These are great learnings that are not epiphanies. Common knowledge isn't always common practice. Getting clear on your intention will transform your relationships, influence, brand and ability to pivot and disrupt yourself. Also, question your intention, "Why am I doing this? Why am I saying this? Is this a priority? Am I right or perhaps are they right? Should I pivot and change my message because I have learned something by changing my mindset?

I want to go back into your story a bit. Tell me more about what happened when you first started to get into this thought of, "I'm going to be leaving." We won't go there yet. What were the other points along your journey at FranklinCovey that had you thinking differently?

VCP 122 | Own Your Mess

This may be too vulnerable because my wife tells me I often over-disclose. I'm a Catholic so confession is natural to me. Unfortunately, I'm a bit of an open kimono. I spent most of my career at FranklinCovey behind the scenes, producer, director, the CMO, making a lot of people wealthy, famous and influential. I turned 50 and thought, "I have made a lot of people wealthy, famous and influential. Now, it's time to see if I can do the same for me because I have ideas, thoughts and skills but I also have the whole experience of being an expert marketer at business development."

I do a multi-year conversation talk with the CEO and the board about an exit because I had built trust with them and they knew my intentions. They knew that I was trustworthy because I had a pattern of confirming that in my behavior, making and keeping promises that I decided that I had something to say. I had 30 years of hard-fought experience and as I said, wins and losses, messes and successes. There weren't any leadership books out there that successful leaders had said, "Let me tell you about this doozy. Let me share this lawsuit. Let me tell you about what I said to this person."

My first book, Management Mess to Leadership Success, sold 100,000 copies in the first year from a no-name author because it was a different kind of leadership book. It was raw, real, relatable and perhaps over-disclosed. I did it to say, "Guys, ladies, you are going to face these same challenges. Walk around the pothole while I'm flailing in it and learn from me and I did extremely well." I think that's my gift. My intention now is to give back on all of the lessons I have learned through being married, parenting, leadership, being an officer, a marketer, a Sales Vice President and speaking on thousands of stages, "Here's what to do and here's what not to do."

It's funny. There's one thing about this that you find interesting are a lot of people say, "I haven't been through all these challenges. I don't have a lot of things to learn from." What you described is exactly why a book like this is so powerful. When you are putting it all out there and sharing these stories, people will learn from your lessons and be able to avoid some of those challenges they could make themselves. At the end of the day, there are plenty of mistakes to go along. They will make their own mistakes along their own journey. You don't have to have envy for other people's sufferings.

While I love the fact that you are pitching my book but I would challenge the premise of that. I could draw out of anybody 30 life lessons. Have you never lost a friend? Have you never gossiped to destroy someone's reputation? Have you never lost a deal? Have you never paid a bill late? Have you never said something you regretted? Have you never failed a course? Were you never kicked out? Really? Seriously? With some vulnerability, transparency and self-awareness, I will bet people would have more of their own messes that they could delve into or learn from them than perhaps they are willing to admit at the surface.

I'm glad you challenged me on that because on the surface, that's what I hear people say is that, "What do I have that was my hero's journey?" Everyone is on their own hero's journey along this path of creating who they are. It's just being able to share those things.

You might write one book with 30 messes. I will write 10 with 300 but I'm a lot older than a lot of your readers. That's why I’ve got more years in the saddle and more messes to share. What makes me a little unique is I'm a risk-taker and a self-disrupter. I had eight careers at FranklinCovey over 25 years. I fired myself out of every single job. I have the uncanny confidence to see the horizon. I'm a bit of a futurist to say, "That boot is coming. I don't want that boot hitting my behind so I'm going to move out of this job into a new job before anybody else even thinks, 'Maybe it's time Scott should move on.'"

Generally, people are very complacent in their careers. They are very accidental. I'm maniacally deliberate with my career. Therefore, I’ve got a lot of messes because I kept moving into jobs that perhaps I wasn't always qualified for or I was not comfortable yet with. I love discomfort. My parents had been in the same home for 61 years. I have owned five homes in nine years. Isn't that interesting? My wife does not like discomfort. I thrive on chaos and discomfort. The problem is, I love a good crisis. I do my best to work under pressure, deadlines and urgency.

One of the biggest gifts leaders can give their team members is feedback on their blind spots.

If that crisis doesn't exist, I will cook one up. I will elevate anything to crisis level or discomfort because that's where I do my best work. The problem is, everybody around me is living in urgency because my wife, kids and colleagues are all in Scott's whirlwind. I’ve got to be thoughtful of the impact it has on other people working for me, with me, married to me and being parented by me because I like disruption. It has been like anything else. My strength, if overplayed, can become a weakness, cause chaos and anxiety for others around me.

That insight is so amazing because there's something about this that tells me that the people who are sitting there think to themselves like, "If I did that, it would be chaos. I would have these so many dead bodies around behind me." It's the awareness that you are bringing to this and knowing that what you are doing is that you are doing this. Now, you can be aware of, "How can I message this with the people around me to let them know this is how I tend to get? If this ends up happening, just know this is who I am."

Call me aside and have a conversation, "Scott, I feel like this isn't an urgent emergency. I feel like maybe you are cooking it up because we both know you love it." I'm like, "You are totally right. Thank you for not calling me out in front of 40 people. Thank you for taking me out into the hallway but you are right." It is the leader who's willing to be self-aware that differentiates her or him from every other leader who has got this thin skin that they can't be called out. In my career, I have had the opportunity to interview thousands of people, the privilege of hiring hundreds and the responsibility of firing dozens. I have never had to terminate someone for lack of technical competency. They all could do the job they were hired for. Every one of them was terminated because of a lack of self-awareness.

They had no idea what it was like to work for them or with them, launch a product or be in a Monday morning staff meeting. They had no idea of their annoying habits or that they were never able to be vulnerable and say, "I totally dropped that ball. It's my fault. I overslept. I had too many beers. I own it. I apologize." They were incapable of apologizing or taking responsibility. Ultimately, I had to terminate them. This is the key to everything I have learned in my career. If you can build your self-awareness of what it's like to be married to you, partnered with you, parented by you, led by you or work with you and you can make some fine-tune adjustments to that, it will transform your brand and career.

There's also an element of being able to share that with others and being courageous enough to share those insights. Knowing is one thing but being able to be courageous enough to say to other people, "This is something I know about me. I want to share that with you so you can better operate with me and we can work better together," that's the other part of this, which is often missed. This is wherein the wrong environment, it could be seen as, "This person is not the right person for our team." In the right environment, it's like, "This person is amazing because now they are showing their full authentic self in this environment."

I spent 30 years in the leadership development industry as a leader in a leadership company. Not everyone should be a leader of people. Too often, companies promote the top individual producer to be a leader. There's no correlation between the skills that make you the best salesperson and make you a great sales leader. One of the biggest gifts leaders can give their team members is feedback on their blind spots. I write about this in all my books, "You as a leader have to move outside your comfort zone. You have to discuss the undiscussables. As a non-leader, you have to be willing to move outside your comfort zone and ask for feedback and not refute, deny or dispute it when it comes because it's through that feedback." Sometimes it's painful and uncomfortable feedback, where you grow and realize, "I don't realize that's my brand. I didn't realize fully that's how my intention is coming across in my technique."

If you want to transform your brand, find a few people that you trust, not just to validate who you are but to say, "This is your biggest blind spot. When you do this, it causes that. When you say this, people think that." It will transform your career trajectory, influence, income and peace. All of that is in direct correlation to your ability to be influenced by others and to have people who care about you give you feedback on yourself because not all feedback is good. Some feedback is about their ex-husband who looks like you or their ex-boss who sounds like you. You have to have a bit of a sieve to know what's valuable and not valuable. Most of my success in life has been my ability to ask for and receive sometimes hurtful feedback that was right on point.

I have one last question about your journey that I want to ask. When you’ve got into the entrepreneurial venture, it has been in the works of going on your own. What was the biggest hurdle for you in going in that direction?

VCP 122 | Own Your MessI know exactly what it is. I'm a raving fan of FranklinCovey. I am their biggest and best ambassador. I love the CEO. He loves me. I would give him a kidney tomorrow. We fight like father and son sometimes. No company is perfect. FranklinCovey, like all organizations, could do a better job of re-recruiting your top talent. We tend to get complaints from people and I was feeling a little undervalued. I told the CEO one day, "Bob, I was in front of 7,000 people. I crushed it on stage and there were 300 people lined up for my autograph. I come back here and I get my ass kicked. It's hard to be smart here anymore. I love this place but I don't feel valued. That doesn't mean you don't value me. I generally feel undervalued."

I had a crisis of confidence. When I left, I had to love myself. I had to remind myself, "I’ve got skills. I can speak, write and interview. I’ve got areas that need to be fine-tuned. I can sometimes be a bull in a china shop." I had to re-summon in some cases an unnatural level of confidence to carry myself through the thin periods. My wife will tell you I have confidence in spades. I can lend you some and I will still have more than I need. Sometimes, as you will be reminded on your own journey, you’ve got to inflate your self-esteem. Over-inflate it. Pump it up a little bit bigger to get you through the thin times.

That was the biggest struggle for me is to remind myself, "I may not always be valued by every piece or every person in FranklinCovey but I use that currency of self-confidence to lift me and move me out." None of that is said. Without any disrespect to this firm, I love these people. I speak for them. They came to my launch party. They came to my anniversary. I go to their baptisms. They come to my kids' confirmations. This is my family. As with many companies, we can get complacent with re-recruiting our core talent.

If I were to think about this in my own terms, I would say it's like, "You have to constantly remind yourself of your brilliance." It's hard because in those moments when it gets difficult to see that, to have the confidence in yourself because you are out there on your own may be doing your own thing, you have to summon the courage to say, "I am enough. I can do this. I have great things to offer." In my own words, that is how I'm taking this away. It was beautiful the way you brought that together.

It's the balance of confidence in yourself and humility to recognize, "What are my blind spots? Where do I need to improve? Where am I overly confident in, where I perhaps have overinflated it?" I'm my biggest champion and I'm my worst critic. Most people just say, "I'm my worst critic." I want you to reframe those words to say, "I'm my biggest champion and I'm my biggest critic." It's that beautiful tension that can help people self-disrupt and maybe move outside their own comfort zone in their careers what's next for them.

You have to be your biggest champion. It's so important. If you don't, there's no one else who's going to be. Other people might be championing your family and all that but ultimately, you have to believe in yourself. You have to be the force behind that and that's where it all begins. As we come to this next stage of the show, I wanted to ask, what are the lessons you have learned about yourself that you haven't already shared? You shared so many things that you have learned. What are some things that you have learned through your journey?

I have learned so much. I have learned that it's difficult to shine under me. I cast a big shadow. I have a strong personality and a very courageous style. That's not always easy for everybody. I have learned that because people are different than me does not mean I should dismiss them. I am a visual thinker and an outward processor. There have been very few thoughts I have ever had that wasn't verbally expressed, which is why my HR file is an expandable folder. I have to be mindful that because someone is quiet, it doesn't mean that they are not engaged. They could be voraciously interested but they are just processing and they are coming two days later. I have learned that not everyone is like me. I need to be more thoughtful to respect other's styles and speeds. Not everybody processes as fast as I do. Some people are more deliberate than I am. They are more careful and contemplative. That's good for them. I have learned to be more mindful of how to leverage complementary styles to my style.

It's funny you said that because that's one of the things that I have started to see, especially in 2021. We have had so many people on Zoom and a lot of the quiet leaders have stuck in the back of the room. It's, "How do you engage when you want to engage with those people?" You have to be intentional about it. Anything else you wanted to share before we move past?

You are your biggest champion and your biggest critic.

No, I have talked a lot. I have probably talked way too much. I have enjoyed your provocative questions. I have been delighted at you giving me the platform again. Thank you for shining your light on me. It was nice getting to know you.

I’ve got one more question for you, though. What are 1 or 2 books that have had an impact on you and why?

My favorite book of all time is Multipliers. It's a book written by Liz Wiseman. It will change your life. She writes a book that talks about how as a leader, your job is not to be the smartest person in the room. Your job is not to be the genius in the room but rather the genius-maker of others. She identifies nine accidental diminishing tendencies. She doesn't say that you are either a diminisher or you are a multiplier. We are all doing both simultaneously. When you become more self-aware of when you are accidentally diminishing other people, then you can become more of a multiplier. It was the impetus for me to move out of the Chief Marketing Officer role. I highly encourage everyone to go out and buy Liz Wiseman's book called Multipliers.

I have read that book twice. It's an amazing book. Now that I think about it, your whole journey has instilled in me this whole idea of, "You are a multiplier in a great way in so many ways."

Would you write Ms. Wiseman an email and tell her, "Do you think Scott Miller is a multiplier?" She will probably say, "I don't know." Do you know what Liz will tell you? After a speech, if someone comes up to her and says, "I love your book. Do you know why? It’s because I'm a multiplier." She will say, "Usually, that means they are not. It's usually the person that comes up that says, 'I'm a diminisher. I'm number five. I'm the idea fountain, optimist, pacesetter, rescuer, protector or perfectionist.'" She says those are the people that will become multipliers. Not the ones that say, "I love your book because I'm a multiplier." I'm very mindful of that wisdom from Liz.

We have to give a hat tip to The 7 Habits because that's one of my all-time favorite books.

Dr. Covey was the real deal. He passed many years ago. His legacy is bigger than ever. I'm honored to have worked for him, under him and spent time with him. I'm glad you have enjoyed the book, too. It's still selling 10,000 copies a week. The gentleman has passed for years and it still is a massive force of good in the world.

Scott, this has been amazing. I'm thrilled and honored to have you on the show. I just love the story, the insights and all the energy you have had.

If I can come back someday, I would love to come back.

VCP 122 | Own Your Mess

Where can people find you to learn more?

If you were to google Scott Jeffrey Miller, my mug will no doubt come up. You can go to ScottJeffreyMiller.com. My wife says I'm overexposed and that is not a compliment. You can google me. My books are sold everywhere you can buy books. You can also subscribe to my podcast, On Leadership with Scott Miller. After you keep listening to Tony's podcast, mine is back a second to Tony's. You’ve got a new book coming out.

I do, Climbing a Mountain.

Tell me about it.

It's Climbing a Mountain. It's about people who have gotten to the top of their mountain and realize that it's not what they want it to where they want it to be so how can they navigate their path differently? It's some tips and tricks to think about your journey in a different way.

When it releases, you text me. I will promote it, buy a copy and tweet about it. We authors got to stick together and promote each other's work. I'm honored to be in your fan club.

Thank you again for coming to the show. Thank you to the readers for coming on the journey with us. I know you are leaving with just tons of energy and lots of insights. Let's go get it.

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About Scott Miller

VCP 122 | Own Your MessAn unfiltered leader thriving in a highly filtered corporate culture and journeying to own his story (and moving from Mess to Success) and inspiring others to uncover and own theirs. A husband, father, friend, and leader.

He is entering his 24th year with the FranklinCovey Company. For just shy of the past decade, he served as the Chief Marketing Officer and a member of the executive team. He is recently transitioned into the firm to become Executive Vice President of Thought Leadership. In this role, He focuses on growing the reach and impact of renowned authors and speakers including Stephen M.R. Covey, Chris McChesney, Kory Kogon, Todd Davis, and others. Also responsible for speakers bureau, book and media publishing, public relations and other strategic initiatives.


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