In a World of Machines, Humanity Becomes A Competitive Advantage


You would have to be living in a cave not to have heard about ChatGPT. It is on everyone's minds these days.

You can ask the AI platform to do just about anything. For example, it can write an article, a speech, or a report on any subject, and you will have it in seconds. Undoubtedly, this will aid humanity in all kinds of fascinating ways.

But make no mistake, in a world of machines – where people are already craving authentic connection, emotional intelligence, and psychological safety – the competitive advantage for leaders comes down to how human you can be.

You can have the world of artificial intelligence at your fingertips. Still, unless those fingers are connected to an actual human being who knows how to listen, relate, and lead from a place of presence and connection, you might as well be the captain of a sinking ship.

AI is a great technological tool, but for any company to be truly successful and sustainable, it must harness the power of emotionally intelligent leaders.

Several years ago, I made a bold choice to leave behind a prestigious position working with people who were clueless about how to treat its employees. Since then, I have been certified in over 24 different modalities to help leaders create thriving businesses financially and interpersonally.

Why? Because at the end of the day, nothing will inspire, motivate or create trust like meaningful human connection. So, yes, we should embrace the technology of the future while still investing in our true human leadership.


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