An Inspired Poem: Liminal Space

In liminal space, I find myself,
Neither here nor there,
Betwixt and between,
A place of uncertainty, rare.
It's a space of transformation,
Of growth and of change,
Where old ways are shed,
And new paths are arranged.
It's a space of exploration,
Of questions and of doubts,
Where we embrace the unknown,
And let go of our clouts.
In liminal space, I feel vulnerable,
Exposed and unsteady,
But I know that it's necessary,
For my soul to be ready.
It's a space of deep reflection,
Of introspection and of thought,
Where we confront our deepest fears,
And the lessons they have taught.
It's a space of creativity,
Where we reimagine our lives,
And craft a new reality,
One that truly thrives.
So though it may be uncomfortable,
This liminal space we're in,
Let us embrace the journey,
And let the transformation begin.
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