

Arete Coach Podcast: The Obstacle Is The Path


Arete Coach Podcast: The Obstacle Is The Path

“Inspiration is Communication with Your Soul’s Purpose”

Episode #1043: Have you ever wondered about the impact that living an inspired life could have on your career or business? This is Tony Martignetti’s purpose: living an inspired life to help business leaders find their inspiration and lead their businesses with success. Join this high-impact conversation with Severin Sorensen, executive coach and curator of the Arete Coach Podc…

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Lost in Translation


A friend recently told me about a huge argument he got into with his Turkish barber while getting his haircut.

My friend had just played paintball, and his Turkish barber claimed to love paintball as well. And yet, they seemed to disagree on almost every aspect of the game until his barber angrily insisted that there was absolutely no need for the use of a gun to play this game.

This further incited the argument until they FINALLY realized that due to their different accents, my friend was tal…

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Seen and Heard


Have you noticed that no matter how proficient we are in our work, the basic human need to be seen and heard still runs our lives?

If you're inside of a corporation, you may wonder, "Why don't people listen to me? Why am I not recognized or promoted for what I do?"

If you're an entrepreneur and you're putting yourself out onto social media, it can feel like putting your energy out into a void and never having it come back to you, and you are wondering, "Is anyone receiving what I'm putting out…

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Amplify Inner Clarity


We are born into a noisy and chaotic world, and most of us then go on to spend our lives lost inside all that noise and chaos.

But there are a few of us who somehow find a way back to silence and peace. These people tend to have the inner clarity that they can create anything they want in the world. You can recognize them because they are the rare breed that can put out a message that impacts you.

It's like everything goes silent, and all of a sudden, you could hear a pin drop. All the oth…

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Apply Your Imagination


In the spirit of the fall season, I choose this inspiring vision of pumpkins from the Japanese artist, Yayoi Kusama who is obsessed with them. In this exhibit called All the Eternal Love I Have for the Pumpkins, Kusama introduces mirrors to give the illusion of a magical, other-worldly pumpkin patch. Kusama's commitment to working with pumpkins has given her the ability to play with their shape, form, texture, and colors in ways that most people wouldn't even consider.

I love the idea of taking…

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B2B Revenue Executive Experience


B2B Revenue Executive Experience: High-Performing Teams Are Built on Human Connection

GUEST: Tony Martignetti, Chief Inspiration Officer at Inspired Purpose Coaching and author of Climbing the Right Mountain

The pandemic proved you don’t need that expensive office space to get the job done - but something is missing. There are no more awkward attempts to side-step around each other in the hall. You can no longer visit the jar on Sheryl’s desk in HR and sneak enough candy to fill your laptop …

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There Is Still Hope


In a world that seems so troubled, how do we hold on to hope? It is hard to remain optimistic in challenging times, and we are constantly being faced with a new one: the pandemic, political unrest, climate crisis, and the loss of biodiversity. And yet, hope has never been more desperately needed.

Holding on to hope is at the center of the incredible new book from Jane Goodall, and Douglas Abrams called The Book of Hope: A Survival Guide for Trying Times. Jane Goodall, the world's most famous li…

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There Are Hidden Patterns In Everything. Are You Ready To See Them?


"One of the pleasures of looking at the world through mathematical eyes is that you can see certain patterns that would otherwise be hidden." – Steven Strogatz

I have got something radical to share with you. Most people don't make choices. Instead, they just follow the patterns and habits that have allowed them to survive and get by. That's what brought them to their current level of success, and at some point, that pattern will lose its effectiveness. This means, to get to the next level, a wh…

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Change Your Lens, Change Your Future!


"The key to transforming anything lies in our ability to reframe it" - Marianne Williamson

Have you ever felt stuck or paralyzed in indecision? I know I have! Well, not to worry, there is always a way. Here’s a quick tip to get you thinking about how to create what I call a beautiful reframe in your life.

Change your lens, change your future!

As a coach, I often guide people to reframe how they look at a problem or at their current situation when they feel stuck. When you feel stu…

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Are You Committed to Something Bigger than Yourself?


"A single individual driven by a purpose can change the world." – Peter Diamandis

Do you ever think about how you contribute to the world at large? You may be thinking I am only one person; what I do makes no difference in the larger scheme of thingsHow wrong you can be!

If you take a step back from the day-to-day activities of your life and you look at what you do in the context of the big picture, you can start to see something incredible. Your contribution (no matter how small) makes an i…

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