
Virtual Campfire

Drive Your Career By Forging A New Path With Ed Evarts


What happens when a major disruption happens in your job? Continue to drive your career by forging a new path! Take a look at today’s guest Ed Evarts, the founder and President of Excellius Leadership Development. Ed was laid off from his corporate job at the age of 48. He never imagined his life outside of the corporate world. But getting laid off drove him to launch his coaching business. The secret? Ed shares to Tony Martignetti that it’s all about having a mindset of conviction. Tune in and …

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Dolores Hirschmann On The Emotional Rollercoaster Of Leadership And Entrepreneurship


Do you have self-doubt in your capabilities to make positive impacts and be a successful entrepreneur? You don’t need to worry because it’s normal to have that emotional roller coaster and the fear of failures as a leader. The important thing is to shift your mindset and experience successful results. Dolores believes that ideas can positively impact the world and are passionate about helping entrepreneurs increase their visibility and realize their exponential growth. Dolores Hirschmann is the …

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Dare To Inspire With Allison Holzer


How do you help others become better? Do you dare to inspire? We talk about inspiration, mindset and more as Tony Martignetti sits down for a chat with coach, CEO and inspiration strategist Allison Holzer. She shares her first experience with innovation and talks about how it put her on the path to learning to think outside the box when looking for ways to use your gifts. She dispels the myth that you have to choose between your gifts instead of combining them. She talks about the importance and…

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