Elevated States Of Consciousness: Understanding Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy And Its Future With Ronan Levy

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Through elevated states of consciousness, we have the power to unlock new levels of healing and inspiration within ourselves. It is up to us to approach these experiences with the right intentions and create a space for change in the world. In this episode, Ronan Levy, a pioneer in the cannabis and psychedelics industry, explores the world of psychedelics. Ronan shares his journey from his early days in the cannabis industry to co-founding Field Trip, the largest global provider of psychedelic-assisted therapies. He shares his experience of having elevated states of consciousness and how they have inspired him to help others find healing and inspiration. Ronan discusses his latest book, The Ketamine Breakthrough, and his upcoming documentary, “Everybody Is Doing Drugs.” He dives into his vision for the future of the psychedelic industry and the importance of doing things with the right intentions. Tune in and explore the world of psychedelics.


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Elevated States Of Consciousness: Understanding Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy And Its Future With Ronan Levy

It is my honor to introduce you to my guest, Ronan Levy. Ronan is a pioneer in the cannabis and psychedelics industry. Ronan has inspired millions of people to find healing and inspiration through elevated states of consciousness. His work and entrepreneurial endeavors have been featured in the New York Times, CNBC, Nature, Bloomberg, Forbes, Fast Company, The Economist, and so on. He's truly amazing. He cofounded Field Trip, the largest global provider of psychedelic-assisted therapies.

He's the co-author of The Trip Journal and The Ketamine Breakthrough. He is the host of the podcast, Field Tripping: Epic Trips in Psychedelics and Executive Producer of the forthcoming documentary, Everybody Is Doing Drugs. Ronan lives in Toronto with his wife, two kids, and a dog named Banjo. I am truly honored to welcome you to the show, Ronan.

Thank you for having me, Tony. It's a pleasure to be here.

I'm thrilled to have you. It's going to be a lot of fun. We have people here to share their journeys to get to where they are. I love what you're doing in the world. The time has come for the work that you're doing. We need to create a space for doing things the right way and with the right intentions. I'm anxious to share not only what you're doing now but also what was the journey that brought you to this. We do that through what's called flashpoints or points in your journey that have ignited your gifts into the world. In a few moments, I'll turn it over to you to share what you're called to share. We will stop along the way and see what themes are showing up. How does that sound?

That sounds great.

Why don't you take it away?

This is a more open-ended conversation because usually, I start with my professional career. That's pretty easy to comb through, but I'm going to make it more interesting. On an ongoing basis, more and more, I start to realize how much of who I am and who I have been fomented by my childhood. It's not always been easy or positive.

I was on a call with a comedian named Mike Finoia. We were talking about his experiences with psychedelics. He always talked about things being a double-edged butter knife. I thought that was an appropriate description because I look back at my childhood, and my childhood was not capital T traumatic in certain respects, but I grew up in a house of a very acrimonious divorce, family distrust, infighting, and all this stuff.

What I've learned particularly through my work with the intentional use of psychedelics has been how much that impacted me for better or for worse. For better, it taught me the importance of independence and self-protection very early on. I learned to be fiercely independent and responsible only for myself, which is great if you're lost in the woods all by yourself, although I'm probably a terrible woodsman in a modern urban context. It also makes it hard for me to fit in, feel comfortable, and feel like I belong in many circumstances.

As a result, I developed a personality very focused on challenging conventions, asking why, and doing things that people say you can't do to prove people wrong. That has been my career. Growing up, I went to school. I went to the University of Toronto for Business and then subsequently law school as a good Jewish boy. You say you want to be a lawyer once, and you're never allowed to forget that.

That described my upbringing. I followed that dream, thinking the legal profession would be a great place to have a steady job and a good income. It's probably a good place for a steady income, but it's a terrible place to work, especially for someone who doesn't like to abide by convention but likes to break convention. I learned very early on that was not the career for me.

The legal profession can be a terrible place to work, especially for someone who doesn't like to abide by convention but likes to break convention.

I left private practice and corporate insecurities and went into in-house legal work with a biotech company and then MTV Canada, which is cool because growing up, I always wanted to be a musician, but I was a terrible musician. At least I got to live out that fantasy a little bit of working for MTV Canada, and then ultimately into online dating before I decided that I was done being a lawyer and an employee and was ready to become an entrepreneur.

That's when I started what I call my descent into hell because my first business was in cash for gold. I started as a corporate lawyer. Lawyers for better or for worse have somewhat questionable reputations. I was in biotech, media, and then online dating. Taking a further step down, I decided to get into the cash-for-gold business with a view to trying to bring legitimacy and authenticity to that business and what is otherwise an industry that has a terrible reputation rightfully.

I got into the cannabis industry, which in my mind was a step up. It's funny the circumstances by which I got into the cannabis industry because growing up, I was pretty straight edge. I never did drugs. I didn't drink very much for a long time, but the people who would become my business partners in the cannabis industry were thinking about doing something in the cannabis industry because they knew the regulations in Canada were changing, but they were like, "Cannabis or marijuana seems so sleazy. I don't want to get involved with that."

I said, "This is my descent into hell. Cannabis is a step up from where I've been. It's legal now. I'm going that way." We joined forces and ended up building the largest network of cannabis-specialized medical clinics in Canada. We have helped about a quarter million Canadians access the legal medical system. This is back in the 2015 or 2016 timeframe.

What that taught me was there are a lot of people using drugs like cannabis and psychedelics very intentionally and needfully. It's not necessarily destructive. Even in many cases where it is destructive, it's a necessary crutch for people in their circumstances sometimes. That reframed my perspectives on drugs through that experience.

I ended up selling that business and then happened to learn about what was happening in psychedelics and the emerging science and the movement that was happening there. We started Field Trip, which has become the largest network of cannabis-specialized medical clinics. I'm sad to report that I'm no longer actively involved with the company. The challenges with the capital markets and overly ambitious growth projections meant that we're currently restructuring.

I left the company, but the impact we have had through Field Trip has been remarkable, not only in the people we helped by providing ketamine-assisted therapy and psilocybin-assisted therapy, too, but in terms of giving people hope, the brand, and the belief that intention and conscious exploration of our consciousness is an incredibly important part of the future of humanity's story. We have reached a lot of people even in the conversations that we have had like this one to give people help and see things in a different way. That was a bit of a long-winded version of my story, but there you go.

I want to reflect on some things I'm hearing. I love what you shared because so much about what your journey has told me is a sense that you're a contrarian. It's funny. A lot of lawyers end up being contrarians. They rebel against the system, and they do it because they believe strongly with conviction, but then what they find is they have to get out of the system to affect change. Would you agree?

There's no doubt about that. It's a result of a couple of things I've come to realize. This is something that I've only learned in the last couple of years. I'm Canadian. We have Justin Trudeau who's our Prime Minister with whom I have a lot of respect. A lot of men in particular, and I don't know why there are theories, hate Justin Trudeau. He represents an existential threat to a sense of masculinity that they adhere to, but that's not the point. What I realized as I was watching Justin Trudeau go through his motions as Prime Minister is he has no idea how to live his life any better than I have any idea how to live my life. I'm figuring it out as I go and doing my best trying to figure it out.

I'm pretty intelligent. I'm not the smartest person. I'm fairly well-read. I have a fairly broad degree of experience. I still don't know what the fuck I'm doing most of the time. Excuse my language. Why do we expect our politicians to have any better opinion on what is right and wrong for any individual than ourselves? It's not a critique of him or any politician. They don't know any better than we do. Why should we trust them to make big decisions about what's okay for us and what's not okay for us?

That's one of the reasons that I rebelled against the whole legal system. It's an infrastructure built by people telling us how to live our lives, but those people don't necessarily know how they should be living their lives either. You have to question the inherent rationale of a lot of those decisions. The second piece of it is the whole legal system. It's an ever-growing mountain. It's not like people go back and be like, "Should we get rid of this?" You keep piling regulations on top.

The whole legal system is an infrastructure built by people telling us how to live our lives. But those people don't necessarily know how they should be living their lives either.

I'm sure anybody who's reading has seen a copy of the Tax Act or the securities regulations. They're three times bigger than the Bible. They're incoherent messes now. You create a system that doesn't work and creates a whole bunch of issues. That's why I find a lot of lawyers choose to rebel. They check in deep down as to being principled about what's right and wrong. The principle they come back with is that we need a lot more autonomy for ourselves. Secondly, we need to clean the slate every once in a while because otherwise, you end up with this legacy mass. That's why that happens.

It makes me think of this book that is one of my favorites, Think Again by Adam Grant. Sometimes we have to question things that we think we have accepted as beliefs or things that we think are real, but then go back and say, "Maybe it's not. We need to come back to the first principles of what we think is truly the right thing and rewrite the book." That's going to bring us to this next question. Tell me more about the dive into the world of psychedelics because here you are. You weren't seen as someone who was a user or what have you. You had to change or reframe your mindset to say, "This is something worth exploring. How do we bring this to the world?"

Growing up, my childhood was not defined by a big T trauma, but I had a glut of chaos. I responded to that by always wanting to have a strong sense of control. A lot of people will say, "I like being in control. That's why I don't drink too much. That's why I don't do drugs." What I've learned over my years is even though drugs weren't a significant part or any part of my late twenties, I adopted a meditation and spirituality practice, which took a lot of suspending disbelief to get into initially, but one of the realizations around that is one of the biggest mistakes we make in life is believing that we're in control. One of the biggest fallacies is that we would want control even if we could have it.

As I became more progressively aware of this, I realized that drugs are a way that we can learn to give up control. I particularly work with psychedelics. What you have to accept when you're going into a therapeutic experience or a large dose of psychedelics is that you can try to control it, but you're not going to fully control it. It takes control away from you. That is the important part because so much of human suffering and so much of our struggles is the rigidity we have or the dogmatic adherence to certain beliefs like, "I want to be in control," for example.

VCP 206 | Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy

This spirituality and meditation practice changed my perspective, "Maybe I don't want to be in control all the time. It's pretty exhausting to have to make every decision, try and control my emotions, and be so rigid all the time. I should start to ease off on that." I had experience with Canadian cannabis clinics where I saw drugs. Heretofore in my mind, I had fully bought into the war on drugs, "Dare to be different. Don't do drugs." Maybe these things can be used productively and intentionally in a way that's meaningfully beneficial and non-destructive to people. Those kinds of experiences intersected, and they changed my perspective.

I learned about psychedelics, which I didn't know much about up to that point. I hear about these experiences, the science that's coming out around them, the safety profiles, and the non-addictive nature of psychedelics. There are two things. One is that sounds interesting to me personally. B.) I realized that the global zeitgeist had changed. The attitudes toward psychedelics had already changed. It was taking a little while to percolate out into the planet. I saw a great business opportunity to try and get ahead of that, not just be opportunistic from an entrepreneurial perspective but have an important voice in how this evolves through that meditation and spirituality work.

I became pretty aware of what it takes to be a conscious human being. We see this from the '60s about how psychedelics and opening up people's consciousness could be used for very nefarious purposes or delivered in less than desirable ways. I wanted to get ahead and try to create a thoughtful, open, and inclusive dialogue about how psychedelics can be meaningfully positive in all of our lives, not just psychedelics but non-ordinary states of consciousness, which can be achieved through breathwork and meditation as well as psychics and other things.

There's something that I'm leaning into now around this, which is to say that when you believe in something, it's powerful, but there's also a challenge of believing in it so much that it clouds your judgment around executing the business side of things. Maybe you have a thought about that which you want to share around building a business when you believe so much in the idea that it might cloud your judgment as to how to execute the business.

It's a good question. What I realized is there are different principles that intersected. There's the right way to provide psychedelics and psychedelic care. There are principles around the right way to run a business. I wouldn't say in the complexity of launching Field Trip and navigating some of the struggles that we have navigated that we believe so fully in the power of psychedelics that we ignored business principles, but at various times, they were in opposition to each other.

One of the challenges is people within the psychedelic world and the psychedelic community want to give people a voice and make sure everybody gets heard, which I completely respect, but it also means that giving everybody a voice is a different and much slower process than the Silicon Valley tech company approach of, "Pivot, fail fast, and figure out what works."

We brought in the Silicon Valley tech approach to business, "Fail fast and keep trying and iterating." We had a whole bunch of employees and stakeholders who are like, "We don't jam that way. That's not how we do things on this side of the world." I was like, "I get it. It's cool. I respect that. For parts of my life, I want that, too, but when we've got shareholders, cashflows, and a challenging market, we have to figure things out faster." That was the big challenge of trying to integrate thoughtfulness, acceptance, and inclusivity, while still needing to maintain the flexibility to run a business.

We never set out to be ruthless capitals and squeeze every penny of profit out of the company. That wasn't our ethos. We wanted to be a lot more responsive and thoughtful. Initially, we set out to become a B Corp, but B Lab, the organization that certifies B Corps, didn't know how to certify a psychedelics company, so they didn't. That was the challenge of navigation for sure.

That's pretty amazing. When I think about what you shared, it's a lesson for many companies out there trying to do good, purposeful, and meaningful work, but at the same time, trying to keep the lights going and keeping the execution engine working. It's always a challenge. We're seeing that in these times because of the fact that there is so much that is working against us. It takes a lot of perseverance, resilience, and passion for believing in what you're doing to keep going.

There are a lot of people within the psychedelic community who are anti-capitalist or against for-profit businesses. The way I always respond to that is being a profit-oriented company means that people value the services or products that you're delivering more than the cost of your inputs. That's perfectly okay. That can become distorted and damaging. There's no doubt about it, but being profit-oriented is not a bad thing. It means you're creating perceived value greater than the cost of your inputs. That's a great thing. That's how you create value on the planet, but it was a tricky conversation. There's no doubt about that.

Being profit-oriented is not a bad thing. It means you're creating perceived value greater than the cost of your inputs.

What is one lesson you've learned about yourself that you want to share? As you look back on your journey, what is something that you've learned that you feel would be powerful to share with people?

There are almost too many to bring to mind. I've always struggled with a sense of self-worth. I had dinner with some good entrepreneurial friends. I have always developed my sense of self-worth as much as I don't have a great sense of self-worth. What sense of self-worth I have developed has always been done by doing. I always need to be doing something. That's how I am worth something on the planet. It has been brought to the fore now that I'm no longer at Field Trip and now arguably fully unemployed, if you want to use that dialect. I need to figure out how to be worth by being as opposed to doing.

That's a struggle for everybody and for men in this world of chauvinism, which I talk about in the language of the distortion of the masculine and feminine, which turns women into sex objects and then performance objects. That's not exclusive, but it's an easy way of thinking about it. It's a challenge. The awareness of how much that is a dialogue inside of me all the time to show up in the world is something that's become a huge awareness and how much I've done for the sake of doing because the thought of not doing is terrifying to me almost on an existential level.

That's the thing that's alive for me. It's easy to see particularly in the entrepreneurial community how that becomes all-consuming. One of the people at dinner hadn't taken a vacation, and he didn't know how many years. He doesn't take weekends and all that stuff because he's in such dogged pursuit of success. That's probably a good lesson as well. On many metrics, I would be deemed successful. After we sold our last business in my mind, I was like, "All my problems are now solved. I don't have to work every day now if I don't want to for at least a little while."

You realize at the end of that. You're like, "All of the problems I had before I sold my business still exist." I still have the same fights with my wife and the same anxiety internally. They haven't gone away. That didn't work. I no longer have the distraction of this dream that if I make it as an entrepreneur, then all my problems are going away. I no longer have a proposed solution to this. What happens very often, and it happened to me, was like, "I've got something to lose."

In many ways, selling that last business made my life worse, not in every way, but it enhanced my anxiety. It took away the one dream I had that could give me the energy to pursue ongoing. It created more anxiety from having more to lose. It was a case of, "Be careful of what you wish for because you might get it." The last few years of my life have been spent trying to unpack that and work with that so I can become a happier person. It's one of those real lessons. It's a hard lesson that's come up, but I'm working through it every day.

I wish we had an hour to go through this because what you shared is a mic-drop moment. It resonates so much with me and so many people. I used to always say that I had an addiction to doing, and that was my undoing. I had to undo all that and allow myself to reprogram. It still comes up like an ugly little demon that says, "You should be doing more." I'm like, "Do less." There's power in doing less. I love this conversation. It has been amazing. There's so much ground covered. I want to know more about your thoughts about where you're heading. Specifically, I would love to hear more about this documentary that you're working on.

That's a fair question. I don't have a whole lot of answers. That is my challenge. If I look at myself from the lens of a personal growth paradigm, I've always been so anxious to have certainty about what I'm doing next that I've never given space to. They roll into each other and frankly overlap a lot of the time. I am trying to create spaciousness, which is a term I hate because it sounds so hippie-ish, and to be present. A good friend of mine works at HeartMath. I don't know if you're familiar with HeartMath. We had a call. It was very complimentary. He's like, "People like you Ronan do more service to the planet when you take time to replenish yourself and find energy."

People can do more service to the planet when they take time to replenish themselves and find energy.

The last few years working at Field Trip were very depleting. There's so much that went into it and little coming back. He's like, "You need to replenish yourself." I get emotional talking about it. I'm trying to keep space to replenish myself. At the same time, I'm a great snowball starter. I start rolling things downhill. I keep doing that. We've got the documentary coming out and a book coming out through Hay House called The Ketamine Breakthrough, which came out on April 4th, 2023.

The documentary itself is called Everybody Is Doing Drugs. It started with the title of Ordinary Trip. The whole idea was that the conversation around psychedelic therapies is still situated in four quadrants that aren't the consensus majority. It's either the Silicon Valley bro types like Joe Rogan or hippie weirdos on the other side of that equation. In terms of the more mainstream, there are people suffering from recalcitrant intractable depression or military veterans who have experienced probably the worst horrors that anybody could experience in this lifetime.

All of those people are benefiting in different ways from psychedelics, but their stories, while sometimes very powerful, aren't necessarily the stories of the lawyer who lives in a suburban house and has two kids, the personal coach, or the soccer mom. They're powerful stories but not germane to me. I'm a big believer that everybody can benefit from therapy and coaching in my mind. Everyone can benefit from psychedelic therapy or psychedelic coaching as well. It's taking everything that happens in the therapy or coaching session and enhancing it because it forces a lot of vulnerability. It gets to the root of the issues.

We want to create a documentary all about showing you don't have to be in one of these four quadrants on the fringes of mainstream society. It can be germane to Joe Average and meaningful. Here's a lint into seeing what it looks like and how so-called perceived successful people still find a lot of catharses, community relief, and insight into their lives that they weren't aware of but can open up the quality of their lives in important ways. That's where it started, but it evolved from being an ordinary trip to something a little bit more provocative. It's called Everybody Is Doing Drugs. It's still the same story.

We have Tai Kwan who won an NCAA basketball championship and had aspirations of going to the NBA, but because he was shot in high school living in the South side of Chicago, he was damaged. That was never a path in his trying to find his story. We’ve got Dan Poneman who's an NBA sports agent who's created an incredible career for himself at such a young age. Psychedelic medicine for a long time has been a part of it, but he's always had to be in the closet and couldn't be out about it. It's all of these stories of very relatable people coming out with their conversations and experiences with psychedelics.

There's so much to react to in this. What you shared was powerful. On so many fronts, there's a sense of knowing that this is for everybody. If you're feeling like there's something missing or maybe there's something that you couldn't get more out of life, it unlocks a doorway where you could at least see what's on the other side. It's not that we're sitting here saying, "You should do this," but at least if you're curious, there's that option available to you, which is amazing.

I also want to react to something that you shared about yourself, which was a sense of you can do something, but you can't do everything. You have your appetite for doing so much out there. People are coming to you and giving you the opportunities to get involved with so much, but there's also a sense of wanting to know what the right next step is and what the best leverage point is for you to be to create the movement in a way that aligns with who you are.

That's the case. Where I would like to land is being a fire starter. I don't want to be the person wholly responsible for getting it, but I'm happy to start fires. I start the ball rolling downhill and then let someone else take over its management. That would be perfect for me because more and more I realize, what I'm passionate about and then what I'm called to is building brand stories and infusing life into a brand. Brand is the wrong word because it sounds very commercial, but it's a perspective, a way of life, or a lens through which you can see the world.

VCP 206 | Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy

I like doing that, starting these sparks, and seeing what happens. Mostly for me, it's a lot of seeing if I can do it and bear it a little bit. Can I create a conversation around something that years ago people would be like, "You can't do that?" Watch me. That has been my MO for so long. They're like, "You can't do that." "Watch me," is usually my response.

There's one final comment about the documentary. The reveal of it for me and a lot of people is the line, "Everybody has a story to wake up from." It is that realization that maybe you're a victim, but you're a victim because that's a story you're telling yourself. Maybe you're a success, but that's a story you're telling yourself. All of these things like, "You don't belong," which has been the crux of a lot of my struggles are stories. It's a story I've told myself that I've started to believe.

What psychedelic and non-ordinary experiences do is let you take a step up and be like, "That is a story I'm telling myself." As soon as you realize it's a story, it's a lot easier to start writing a different conclusion to that story if you want to. I won't say it's easy because it's not, but it's a lot easier than it was from the place before you had that realization.

VCP 206 | Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy

That's well said. We don't have to dive too deep in here because we are running out of time. Would you ever have thought that you would be doing this or that you would be this person doing this work now when you were a young child? It seems like this journey that you've been on to get here being this person who can create what you're creating is amazing. I give you a lot of credit.

Thank you. I assure you that if you had taken a poll in my graduating high school class on the least likely to start a cannabis and psychedelics company, I would have been right near the top of that list. Here I am.

I have one last question for you. It's a question that I ask every guest. I'm always curious to hear what people say. What are 1 or 2 books that have had an impact on you? Why?

Will you permit me to read a quote from my favorite book?

One hundred percent.

It's a little bit of a long one, but it's worth it. This is a passage from Still Life with Woodpecker by Tom Robbins. If you haven't read any Tom Robbins, I strongly encourage you to. It will ruin the rest of reading for you because as soon as you get Tom Robbins, you realize it's hard to find anything that's got that charisma and persuasiveness with that prose, poetry, and insight. This is a quote. I can tell you exactly the moment I read it. I was lying in bed. I was in my apartment. At the time, I was single. I was lying in bed and reading. I sat up as soon as I read that. I'm like, "That's exactly it."

Here it is. It goes, "How can one person be more real than any other? Some people do hide, and others seek. Maybe those who are in hiding, escaping encounters, avoiding surprises, protecting their property, ignoring their fantasies, restricting their feelings, or sitting out the panpipe hoochie-cooch of experience, people who won't talk to rednecks, or if they're rednecks won't talk to intellectuals, and people who are afraid to get their shoes muddy or their noses wet, eat what they crave, drink Mexican water, bet a long shot to win, hitchhike, jaywalk, honky-tonk, cogitate, osculate, levitate, rock it, bop it, sock it, or bark at the moon are simply inauthentic."

"Maybe the jackleg humanist who says differently is due to have his tongue fried on the hot slabs of liar's hell. Some folks hide, and some folks seek. Seeking when it's mindless, neurotic, desperate, or pusillanimous can be a form of hiding, but there are folks who want to know and aren't afraid to look and won't turn tails should they find it. If they never do, they will have a good time anyway because nothing, neither the terrible truth nor the absence of it, is going to cheat them out of one honest breath of Earth's sweet gas." That was the passage. When I read it, I was like, "That's exactly it."

I don't have all the answers, but the one answer I'm certain of is that we are here alive at this moment, and we get to experience all of it, the miserable as well as the superb, and start embracing that perspective that all of this is experience. It's all worth having. I was inspired by that quote. I had a crush on a girl from Iceland. I sent her a text message proposing that we meet in New York for a date. Lo and behold, she said yes. It didn't go anywhere long-term, but it was a long shot to win that I had to bet. That was that. That was one book.

VCP 206 | Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy

The other book, which is wonderful and sad at the same time but infused with the same spirit is a book called Not Fade Away: A Short Life Well Lived by Laurence Shames and Peter Barton. It's about a guy who led a spectacular but tragically short life. It reminds you to get out there and do. It's funny in a roundabout way. In this conversation, I'm trying to learn more about being and less about doing, but it is still important if you're afraid to do it. That's where I started quite a bit. First, you have to get over the fear of doing, and then that's when you find where your passions are, but at a certain point, you have to let go of the doing and be okay with the being. That's the art most people probably have to follow. Not Fade Away is a great one to get out there and start doing as well.

I love that. I'm going to pick up Not Fade Away. That's a beautiful sentiment. This balance between doing and being is where we do struggle. I liked the way you described it. It's so nicely said because you need to get going and get action, but then there's also a sense of knowing when you're overdoing it. We're going to run out of time, but I'm so grateful and honored to have you on the show. This was so amazing. I enjoyed the stories and all the insights. I want to make sure that I give the people a chance to know where they can find out more about you.

On socials, Twitter and Instagram, which I'm not terribly good at, it's @RonanDLevy. The documentary is called Everybody Is Doing Drugs. The website for that is going to be EverybodyIsDoingDrugs.com. It's not live yet but should be soon. The book that's coming out, The Ketamine Breakthrough, is on Amazon and all your favorite bookstores. If you cross-section one of those, you will find me somehow. I'm generally available.

Thank you again. This has been enjoyable, Ronan.

It's my pleasure. Thank you for listening to me blather on. I do enjoy it. Hopefully, people will get a kernel of inspiration or wisdom from it.

I'm sure of it. Thank you again. Thanks to the audience for coming on the journey. That's a wrap.

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