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What is in Your Top 10 For 2021?


What is in Your Top 10 For 2021?

"Sometimes, you have to look back in order to understand the things that lie ahead." – Yvonne Woon

Before we jump into the new year, I want to take a moment to do one more reflection on 2021. I am sure you have seen your fair share of Top 10 Lists lately (Top 10 Movies of the Year, Top 10 Artists of the Year, Top 10 Stocks to Buy, Top 10 Predictions for the Future, etc.). I want to change things up and challenge you to create your own Personal Top 10 List for t…

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Louder Than Words


Have you ever heard a quote that just stuck with you?

The moment you hear it, it resonates with a deep inner-knowing, and you immediately feel the truth of it? Some of the greatest quotes are the most concise.

One of my favorites is only seven words, and it says, “Your energy speaks louder than your words.

There’s a lot of talk about authenticity these days, and I think this quote simplifies the concept. People tend to confuse the difference between what it means to SOUND or LOOK authentic w…

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Seeing With Different Eyes


Are you stuck on a particular problem and need a creative solution?

Edward de Bono is a physician, psychologist, author, inventor, and philosopher who became known for the concept of lateral thinking. His book "The Six Thinking Hats" offers a practical approach to making decisions and exploring new ideas. De Bono suggests organizing the thinking process into "six thinking hats":

  • White Hat: Neutral and objective, concerned with facts and figures
  • Red Hat: The emotional view
  • Black Hat: Carefu…

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Are You Ready to Write the Movie Pitch of Your Life?


"All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances.” – William Shakespeare

If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?

This was a question I recently posed in a group coaching session. I love this question because it puts you in a creative mindset and gets you thinking about the key scenes that would be played out on the highlight reel in your head. The defining moments, the moments that would elicit reactions of shoc…

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Season’s Greetings! Here's to an Inspired New Year!

Another year comes to a close, and it is time to pause and collect the stories from 2021 that have shaped who we are today and who we want to be as we enter the new year.

Who do you want to be in the new year? What can you do today to move you in that direction?

Those questions can be a stumbling block for even the most forward-thinking person. With that in mind, I wanted to offer everyone on my list the chance to give the Gift of Coaching (either for yourself or for someone else) to help them…

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Downshift to Accelerate


Did you know that time is elastic?

If you had two weeks to pack for a flight, the process of thinking, organizing, and eventually packing could easily elongate itself to fill that time. But time can also be condensed because if you suddenly realized your flight left in two hours… you would get hyper-focused and still get it all done, right? This is part of my theory behind the four-day workweek.

What if it has nothing to do with working harder and instead everything to do with our ability to f…

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From Reactivity to Creativity


How do you go from reactivity to creativity?

It’s a challenging world these days, and things are coming at us from every direction. But those who can consistently turn reactivity into creativity are always the ones who are most capable of navigating the shifting winds on the ocean of success.

When we encounter a challenge that appears to be an “impossible situation,” our internal process responds by falling into an unresourceful state. However, when we stay open to new possibilities, our inter…

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7-year-old Painter


When I was 7-years-old, I became fascinated by painting wildly imaginative and detailed images. I aimed to create rooms that evoked different emotional states for people who entered them.

I have always had a sense that we could create an environment for ourselves to thrive. I am still that same kid with that same fascination. It's just more refined today.

A client of mine who is a senior finance leader never thought he could get to the CFO level, but by shifting his inner and outer environment…

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Expectations vs. Reality


Have you ever had a delicious scoop of ice cream fall right off your cone and just go splat on the ground?

Man, that never ceases to be a truly disappointing life moment in its purest form.

You had an expectation of the pleasurable direction things were going, and then all of a sudden, it completely flopped on you.

As a kid, that’s one of those classic initiations when we come to the harsh realization that reality will not always match our expectations.

As adults, we deal with more complex v…

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From Resign to Re-Align


Let's Shift From Resign to Re-Align

Over the past few months, many people have asked me what my thoughts are about the Great Resignation. I have many viewpoints on this growing trend, and I have gathered a lot of insights from leaders, professionals in transition, and thought partners I have talked to recently. With people leaving their jobs in record numbers, the impact of this trend will have a long-term effect on everyone, so it is no surprise that this topic is on everyone's minds.

The pan…

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