Work with me
The Eightfold Path: The Way of the Buddhist Leader
I have always been intrigued by the art, the stories, and the teaching of Buddhism, but my understanding of the Buddha's teachings took on new meaning when I became a coach. As I started to open myself up to the ideas of enlightenment, I immersed myself in reading books by Pema Chodron, Matthieu Ricard, Thich Nhat Hanh, and the Dalai Lama. I even committed to spending a month in India tracing the historic steps of Buddha in Sarnath and Varanasi.
Sarnath was the place where Siddhartha Gautama, B…
Lost in Translation
A friend recently told me about a huge argument he got into with his Turkish barber while getting his haircut.
My friend had just played paintball, and his Turkish barber claimed to love paintball as well. And yet, they seemed to disagree on almost every aspect of the game until his barber angrily insisted that there was absolutely no need for the use of a gun to play this game.
This further incited the argument until they FINALLY realized that due to their different accents, my friend was tal…
Seen and Heard
Have you noticed that no matter how proficient we are in our work, the basic human need to be seen and heard still runs our lives?
If you're inside of a corporation, you may wonder, "Why don't people listen to me? Why am I not recognized or promoted for what I do?"
If you're an entrepreneur and you're putting yourself out onto social media, it can feel like putting your energy out into a void and never having it come back to you, and you are wondering, "Is anyone receiving what I'm putting out…
Amplify Inner Clarity
We are born into a noisy and chaotic world, and most of us then go on to spend our lives lost inside all that noise and chaos.
But there are a few of us who somehow find a way back to silence and peace. These people tend to have the inner clarity that they can create anything they want in the world. You can recognize them because they are the rare breed that can put out a message that impacts you.
It's like everything goes silent, and all of a sudden, you could hear a pin drop. All the oth…
Power of Purpose
People often talk about how important it is to find your purpose, but what does it mean to have your purpose find you?
Let’s imagine for a moment that “purpose” has its own life force, just as the life force of a grapevine allows it to grow to 115 feet long and 80 feet high.
I have a different way of looking at purpose because I believe your purpose already exists, and just like a grapevine, it wants to expand and blossom into its full potential.
We can offer the structure for it to grow. We …
Make It A Masterpiece
How is your life like your favorite painting? How is it different?
I have been thinking a lot about the creative process lately and how in the day-to-day rush to get things accomplished, we separate our creativity from the way we live our lives. Maybe that works if we are going for robot-like productivity. But it's terrible for our deepest, truest selves.
That's because we are all wired for creativity. And when we leave that out, we are leaving out a big part of who we are. We are leaving out …
Hidden Patterns
I have got something radical to say. We often don't make choices. We just follow the patterns that have had us survive and get by, and for a lot of people, that's what brought them to their current level of success.
However, what most people don't realize is that is often where the pattern ends. It did its job, and it got them to a level of survival where they could be comfortable.
This means, to get to the next level, a whole new pattern is required.
In case you didn't notice, there is a…
Celebrate Your Wins
One of the best things about my work is that as my clients evolve, so do I. And that can sometimes be humbling.
One of the things I talk about is celebrating our wins. It’s so important to do this AND... it’s something I’m still working on for myself.
I will accomplish something that others would see as impressive and then notice the voice in my head that says, “Yeah, well… it is what it is. No big deal…Let’s move on to the next thing.”
And that’s a trap because when we accomplish somethin…
Fall Season Paradox
The Fall Season is kind of a paradox for most of us. We begin gearing up for the holidays; there are social obligations and celebrations to attend, school is in full swing for those of us with kids, we start thinking about holiday gifts and get-togethers, we try to figure out how to balance work and life.
Around us, at least in my part of the country, Nature is slowing down. The leaves start to fall off the trees, and many plants go dormant to rest for the colder months, the weather cools down,…
Connect with your Story and Use it to Propel Yourself Forward
"The stories we tell literally make the world. If you want to change the world, you need to change your story." – Michael Margolis
As I started to interview people for my podcast, The Virtual Campfire, I realized how powerful our personal stories can be. Our past is not something to run away from; it is something to embrace, reconcile with, and use as a powerful lever to move us into the future. When you commit to understanding and owning your true story, you uncover things you never clearly un…