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Falling in Love with Learning: Begin with Inspiration
"Learning begins with inspiration. It's the engine behind a student's motivation and the glue that makes ideas stick." – David Perell
Over the past few years, I have been delving deeper into the world of neuroscience and exploring how we learn. I have been fascinated with what I have uncovered and it has left me with more questions, which is good because it keeps the journey going. When I came across a recent essay by David Perell, titled How Learning Happens, I was taken back because he hit it…
Life in Technicolor
Have you ever had one of those moments where you looked around your life and realized the technicolor sense of aliveness you once knew now seems drab, gray, and monotone?
It is not time to panic. No one spends their entire lives in a state of perma-bliss. But it also doesn’t mean that we have to just wait and hope that some unicorn driving a magic bus will one day show up and offer us a ride.
The reality is that sometimes we get stuck behind windows, in offices, at desks, and on screens. Most …
Are You Waiting For A Sign?
Are you waiting for a sign? Are you looking for the light to turn green to let you know that now is finally the time to move forward on that book, that project, or that dream you have had?
I have got some great news and some not-so-great news. Which one would you like first?
Ok. “Not so great news” it is.
Most people look back on their lives and realize they missed their window of opportunity because of a story that they didn’t have the money, the confidence, the skills, or the right envi…
Give Me A Lever Long Enough...
Warning: The following question can be frustrating for those who believe business has to be hard work.
But… ‘What if it was easy?” Because the truth is that it doesn’t actually have to be hard.
The Greek philosopher, Archimedes, said, “Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.”
You know, quotes like that don’t stick around for thousands of years if they don’t really nail it.
Here’s an example from my own life.
When I was younger, my d…
The Matrix Paradox
In the movie, The Matrix there’s a famous scene where Keanu Reeves says to Lawrence Fishburn, “Are you telling me I can dodge bullets?” and he replies, “I’m saying that when you’re ready... you won’t have to.”
So, spoiler alert if you’re one of the very few people on the planet who have not seen this movie. There’s a scene near the end where Keanu slows a barrage of bullets until they stop in mid-air.
We love stories like the Matrix because we secretly long for this kind of freedom and power…
What is Your Currency?
What's your Currency? If you live in the US or Europe, you may say the "Dollar" or the "Euro." But currency is nothing other than a means for exchange, and that goes far beyond just money.
I used to see money as the measure of my success because, admittedly, that's how everyone else saw it.
In his book "How will you measure your life?" Clay Christensen shares that after graduating from Harvard Business School, many of his friends went on to build careers making enormous sums of financial wea…
Find Your Spark
What do you do when you have lost your spark?
We all know what it’s like when we have our spark because our view of the world is optimistic. We feel energized. There’s more bounce in our step. We move forward with more intention and purpose. Suffice to say; it feels pretty awesome.
When we’ve lost our spark, we might feel low energy and are just going through the motions to make it through the day. Not a ton of excitement, joy, or significant things to look forward to.
Now that doesn’t mean a…
The Productivity Paradox: Structure Creates Freedom
"The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities." – Stephen Covey
When people think of freedom, they will often think of a spacious green pasture, a sailboat on a vast ocean, or someone at the peak of a mountain over an enormous expanse. In fact, go to any stock photo website, type in “freedom,” and that is pretty much what you’ll see.
But there’s a paradox here because while those images may represent freedom, it’s not what gets you there. In many ways, …
Revisiting Marketing Myopia
"People don't want to buy a quarter-inch drill; they want a quarter-inch hole." - Theodore Levitt
Have you ever taken a marketing class? I remember taking quite a few in my college years, and I have never forgotten one of the foundations of modern marketing: Marketing Myopia.
So, what is Marketing Myopia anyway? It is a concept introduced by Theodore Levitt in the 1960s that describes the ill-fated business practice of being too focused on selling products and services rather than seeing the "…
Climbing the Right Mountain: Gratefulness
I am extremely grateful for so many of you who have picked up a copy of my new book “Climbing The Right Mountain: Navigating the Journey to An Inspired Life.” The book is for leaders at all stages who currently feel unfulfilled in their lives or careers. In the book, I take you through the guideposts to help you navigate your path. The book is great for anyone who is going through a period of transition.
You can grab your copy here. I would love to know what you think of the book. An Amazon rev…